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Halloween Snacktackular: Apple Cinnamon Kit Kat

Halloween Snacktackular: Apple Cinnamon Kit Kat

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Halloween is a big deal at our house because both my wife and I were born on Halloween (this is not true). We always dress up in costumes, and we always go to Halloween parties. (This is also a lie. We never dress up and we absolutely will not attend your Halloween party.) Therefore, it was imperative that we try the newest flavor of Kit Kat, just in time for Halloween: Apple Cinnamon Kit Kat.

If you’ve read any of our previous Kit Kat posts, you know that Japan has many more exotic flavors than any other country, and that some are better than others. Like many Japanese flavors, these are less chocolatey and more on the sugary side, and rather than coming in a package of four large bars they come in a mini two-bar fashion. The packaging lets you know that you are meant to enjoy these at a costume party with your hands raised high in the air like you’re on a roller coaster.

Are Apple Cinnamon Kit Kats Good? Time to Put Them to the Test. The Taste Test. In Which We Taste Them.

The first thing to notice was the color, which seemed a bit off. They were either light purple or pink I don’t know don’t @ me, which doesn’t really fit with either apple or cinnamon. The exterior is definitely thick and quite sugary, but they have a good crunch like a decent Kit Kat should.

Upon taking my first bite, I immediately felt a double-pronged rush of nostalgia. It reminded me of the apple cinnamon cobbler dessert we used to get as part of school lunch as well as a taste frighteningly similar to apple cinnamon Pop-Tarts. There was a great balance of apple and cinnamon, and the fact that it brought back childhood memories was fantastic. I felt they’d hit the nail on the head with this one, getting apple cinnamon exactly right for those of us who grew up eating low-quality foods with this flavor.

However, as I ate another, it started to feel like they were a bit too strong - very sugary, and the artificial apple flavor really stayed with me long after I’d finished.

“Strong, ne?” said Eriko. “Strong taste.” I think they were a bit much for her.

I broke another bar in half for us to share, my brain a cloud of apple and cinnamon. While there are some Kit Kat flavors I could easily eat a whole bag of, this is not one of them. Definitely not on the mild side. I’d say two of these is more than enough, and any more would leave you with a severe sugar-and-artificial-flavor hangover. I’d only had 2.5, which is Diet Gregg level, and I was pooped.

“Normal is the best, but oishii, yo,” said Eriko. That means they were sweet and different in an interesting way, but that she planned to never buy these again.

After four little pairs split between us, we were finished. Obviously we ate the rest later, but our not being able to destroy a bag in one sitting means they are incredibly potent. Worth a try, but will never enter the regular rotation. Get them to hand out at Halloween and try a couple yourself, but don't expect to fall in love with them.

Even if you live in America, you can actually obtain Apple Cinnamon Kit Kats via Amazon. Though these weren’t our favorites, our love for Kit Kat remains as strong as ever, and we shall return to review more flashy Kit Kat flavors in the future, because it turns out that every time we write about Kit Kats our traffic goes up like 9,000%. Business!

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