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Review: Mont Blanc Kit Kat

Review: Mont Blanc Kit Kat

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When in the course of human events, truths become self evident four score and 20,000 leagues under the sea something something everyone stop what you’re doing there’s a new flavor of Kit Kat.

“Autumn Sweets Fair.” Note the kitty.

“Autumn Sweets Fair.” Note the kitty.

We’ve rhapsodized previously on the joys of Japan’s many Kit Kat flavors, and I’ll usually take any excuse to try a new one. This, however, is different. This is Mont Blanc Kit Kat, and careful readers will note that I, Mr. Dudeguy Bloggymouth, love Mont Blanc. I somehow went the first 34-ish years of my life without ever having one, but once I did, it quickly became my favorite thing, and I may or may not have organized a trip to Europe next year for the sole purpose of eating one in France. Needless to say, taste-testing Kit Kat’s offering was of the utmost importance.

They were white, and rather soft. I think this softness was due to how thick the outer layer was, a bit thicker than normal Kit Kat. The wafer within also seemed thinner than normal, a little less crunchy. These were all mini-sized, as many flavors of Kit Kat in Japan are only sold by the bag and not individually.

The taste was sugary and sweet as it ought to be, with the wafers taking a backseat to the coating, which had a smooth, buttery feel. They went down easy. Eriko found it to taste more like pure sugar than Mont Blanc per se, but it’s tough to tell because Mont Blanc is quite sweet, and this was quite sweet, so I guess if you were going to distill the flavor into a candy bar this might be it. I was less concerned with the accuracy of the flavor because it was really, really good, regardless of whether it really reminded me of a fluffy chestnut cream.

Kit Kat flavors can sort of be divided into two categories: those so powerful you’d never want more than a couple of them at a time, and milder ones where you can scarf down a whole bag in a sitting and then destroy the evidence before your wife gets home from work. This rested a bit in the middle. I ate several in a row, but at a certain point felt quite heavy, even with coffee to cut through the sweetness. We eventually finished them, but not right away.

They definitely differed from most Kit Kat offerings, and I hope they stick around. I would say they reminded me of Mont Blanc without approximating its taste, but as far as Kit Kats go, this one belongs in the hall of fame alongside options like Butter, Strawberry Maple, and Wasabi. Maybe not quite as good as those, but pretty darn good. If you get the chance, pick some up on Amazon. Tell ‘em Winky Finkledorp sent you..

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