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Review: Maple Kit Kat!

Review: Maple Kit Kat!

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Somehow, we’ve had a blog about Japan for five months without a single post about Kit Kats. I don’t know how that happened, but it gets corrected today.

If you didn’t know, Japan is home to an insane number of Kit Kat flavors. While Americans suffer under the standard chocolate and an occasional white one, the Japanese have flavors like wasabi, butter, and sake. Some are better than others, but they’re always worth trying, which is why when I saw these babies at our local supermarket, I knew we had to have them.

The messaging here is about protecting the environment, because nothing is more responsible for Mother Earth than individually-wrapped candy bars.

The messaging here is about protecting the environment, because nothing is more responsible for Mother Earth than individually-wrapped candy bars.

Maple! Easy to guess the flavor thanks to the standard Canadian images of penguins, sea turtles, and giraffes. When I was in Tokyo a few years back and visited the Kit Kat Chocolatory Ginza, I had a chance to try Strawberry Maple, which was one of my favorite flavors ever, so I was excited for these.

This bag contained mini-bars, with a variety of environmental-themed images on the wrappers.

Fun fact: in Canada, maple syrup is known as “Gooby wooby juice.”

The most notable thing about the bars was how perfectly coated they were, golden and shiny, with the beautiful sacred Kit Kat logo visible.

Full of vitamins.

Full of vitamins.

And the taste? Oh, my. The perfect level of maple syrup flavor. Maple-flavored snacks can sometimes have a really artificial taste, but not these. They were just right. Not too syrupy, not too sweet, just delectable, creamy, buttery, chocolatey, fruity, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, crunchy, smooth, salty, sugary, peppery, mouth-watering goodness. The light wafer crunch was everything you’d expect, the sugary maple kicking in after a second and taking your mouth on a journey.

I used second person there, but I’m talking about me. I experienced this.

I took the pictures this time, if you’re wondering why they’re so terrible.

I took the pictures this time, if you’re wondering why they’re so terrible.

The one downside to a bag of mini Kit Kats is portion control, which can easily get away from you and something at which I do not excel. It turns out that after gobbling eight of these in the span of three minutes, they DO have a bit too much maple flavor and become overly sweet. But if you stick to one or two, I think these definitely belong in the upper echelon of Kit Kat varieties.

Does your country not have Maple Kit Kat? Well, I’m sorry, but that means your country sucks. Later lozerz.

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