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Konbini Kinyoubi: Pastries From Family Mart

Konbini Kinyoubi: Pastries From Family Mart

Welcome to Konbini Kinyoubi, where every Friday (Kinyoubi) we visit our local convenience store (Konbini) and buy something delicious.

One of the best spots in the konbini is the pastry counter. Every store has different baked goods, and there are always new ones popping up This week, we tried a couple that looked tasty.

My wife called it “Pie scorn.”

My wife called it “Pie scorn.”

A whole wheat “pie scone” with maple chips. The brown newsprint-style packaging made us think this was probably some sort of faux-artisanal effort on the part of Family Mart. The first thing we noticed were the many layers present in the pastry:

That’s a lot of layers.

That’s a lot of layers.

It was definitely thick and soft. The whole wheat taste was quite powerful, and the top part (the part covered in sugar) was good. However, the rest of it was not terribly sweet. I can’t say I found too many maple chips, or that they packed a lot of flavor.

Does it work as a boomerang? Let’s find out!

Does it work as a boomerang? Let’s find out!

In the end, it was like eating a big piece of wheat bread. There simply wasn’t enough sugar or maple to carry it over into the realm of sweets. It had the illusion of being healthier than most of the stuff in the pastry aisle, but I’m not so sure it was. Definitely lacking as far as a cheat day choice.

119 yen is cheap, if you’re unaware.

119 yen is cheap, if you’re unaware.

Up next: a big ol’ chocolate biscuit. Famima’s choco-chip offerings are usually pretty good, so we thought this was a safe bet. It was relatively flat, and crisp on the top while soft inside. There was just one big problem…

Hello, boys. Ready to party?

Hello, boys. Ready to party?

Not enough chocolate chips! They were certainly big, but were largely concentrated in the middle, and as a result, there were many bites with no chocolate at all. Since the pastry itself was nothing special, and not too sugary, this one tasted great if you got a mouthful of chocolate, but if you didn’t, it wasn’t worth eating.

All in all, we didn’t make the best choices this time. There are far better pastries at Family Mart. However, we are not quitters. So how did this week turn out?

Was there ever any doubt?

Was there ever any doubt?

Don’t worry. I ate those crumbs as soon as this picture was taken.

Guess The Price Of This Sweatshirt

Guess The Price Of This Sweatshirt

Video Store Adventures: The World of "New Releases"

Video Store Adventures: The World of "New Releases"