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Konbini Kinyoubi: Pancake Sandwich from Family Mart

Konbini Kinyoubi: Pancake Sandwich from Family Mart

Welcome to Konbini Kinyoubi, where every Friday (Kinyoubi) we visit our local convenience store (Konbini) and buy something delicious. This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please read our affiliate disclosure.

When I first moved to Japan, I mistakenly thought that it would be like living in the future, with incredible new technology everywhere. For the most part, I was disappointed (we still go to video stores and Tower Records is operational in 2021), but then I stumbled upon a product so advanced that giving it the Nobel Prize would be an insult to just how revolutionary it truly is.

Behold: the pancake sandwich.

Me: “What does ‘Funwari’ mean?”  Eriko: “Funwari wa: ‘funwari.’”

Me: “What does ‘Funwari’ mean?” Eriko: “Funwari wa: ‘funwari.’”

Fluffy hotcakes, maple and margarine flavor. These come from Family Mart, although there are similar items available at other stores. At 100 yen, you’re basically losing money if you don’t buy it. And for your money, you get two fluffy pancake sandwiches.

This picture is so sexy it should be illegal.

This picture is so sexy it should be illegal.

Please do not make the mistake of thinking there are two so you can share. You will want to eat both. Trust me.

The pancakes are the bread of the sandwich, and inside is maple syrup and margarine.

Somehow it felt wrong to look inside.

Somehow it felt wrong to look inside.

I was actually surprised at how little syrup and margarine there was between the pancakes, because it tastes like there’s a lot more. The balance is absolutely perfect. I don’t know what chemicals are injected into this thing to make it taste exactly like a stack of fresh pancakes, and I don’t want to know. All I know is that I had my first pancake sandwich in Kyoto in 2007, and I’m still thinking about it all these years later. We didn’t even go into Family Mart to get these - we were there for something else that we’ll review next week, but I had to have one for old time’s sake.

Hey there, big boy.

Hey there, big boy.

When my mother came to visit for our wedding in 2018, I took her to a Family Mart by her hotel to get some drinks and snacks, and implored her to try one of these. She liked it so much, she had one for breakfast every day she was in Japan.

This is one of those treats that’s a must-try for me. When you visit Japan, go to a Family Mart and try a pancake sandwich. You will not regret it. 15/10. Superb.

Valentine's Day In Japan

Valentine's Day In Japan

From The In-Laws: Ginger Cookies!

From The In-Laws: Ginger Cookies!