

We are Gregg and Eriko! We live in Japan. We’re here to teach you all about Japanese life and the fun stuff there is to see here.

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Guess The Price Of This Sweatshirt

Guess The Price Of This Sweatshirt

In Japan, American things are cool. There are tons of products with English writing on them, and American pop culture is everywhere. There are stores in Amerika-mura in Osaka where you can find old T-shirts from random U.S. summer camps and vintage NBA jerseys and things like that.

But this isn’t about one of those stores.

This is about an upscale, fashionable store, where people who are at the forefront of trends shop. It’s in a prime location at a popular mall, right at the top of the escalator. Everyone knows this store. It sells the top brands. And one day, when I went in there, I saw this:

I have been to Lawrence, Kansas, and went to a bar called Fatso’s. True story.

I have been to Lawrence, Kansas, and went to a bar called Fatso’s. True story.

An old Champion sweatshirt from the University of Kansas with the cuffs and collar chopped off rather carelessly. Not the sort of thing you’d see in a fashionable store in America, but again, old American stuff is kind of cool here.

How much would this sweatshirt run you in America? It appears one can be procured for between $45 and $65, but that’s for a new one. A used sweatshirt like this? Probably a few dollars at Goodwill.

So, the question is: how much is it being sold for in Japan?

I’ll wait while you guess.

Lock your answers in.

Okay, ready?

The answer:

Size: F.

Size: F.

18,000. That’s eighteen THOUSAND yen. Based on today’s exchange rate, that’s around $168.86.



So, if you’ve ever wondered, “Hey, could I take my old clothes to Japan and sell them at a profit, becoming a millionaire through my rags?” the answer is an unequivocal yes. Old clothes are the new Bitcoin.

If you think this is bad, just wait until you see how much a puppy can run you.

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