

We are Gregg and Eriko! We live in Japan. We’re here to teach you all about Japanese life and the fun stuff there is to see here.

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White Day!

If you read our post on Valentine’s Day, you’ll know that in Japan, there are two separate holidays for giving gifts to your sweetheart: Valentine’s Day, when girls give gifts to boys, and White Day, when boys give gifts in return. White Day comes on March 14, and this year I gave Eriko two boxes of treats because my wife is better than your wife.

That’s how we do.

That’s how we do.

The first box (the one on the bottom in the above pic) contained a selection of mille-feuille, which in this instance were not big and thick like the classic French pastry, but triangular wafer cookies covered in chocolate and coming in a variety of flavors.

Best part about giving my wife chocolate? I get to take a bite of each one!

Best part about giving my wife chocolate? I get to take a bite of each one!

The wafer inside was definitely crispy, and there was just the right amount of cream in the middle. The biggest adventure came from the fact that they got mixed up, so we weren’t sure which flavor was which until we ate them.

Unclear if these are in the right spots.

Unclear if these are in the right spots.

There was Chocolate Cake, Cheese Cake, Apple Pie, and Mont Blanc. I found the apple pie and cheesecake flavors to be a bit artificial, and I’m a sucker for Mont Blanc, but I personally liked the chocolate cake one the best. Eriko liked them all because she is cute.

Soon they will meet their doom.

Soon they will meet their doom.

The other box contained a sampling of sandwich cookies. These were expertly made, with a consistent layer of cream and one end of each dipped in chocolate.

This one was gooooooood.

This one was gooooooood.

First up was pistachio, which was my favorite. The cookie was soft, but not too soft, didn’t crumble into a mess like so many similar treats, and everything was in balance. There was also strawberry, chocolate… um, custard or something… I forget. Here. Look.



The consistency and craft of these was top-notch, especially for a box I picked up at a display in front of the supermarket. Comparing it to a standard box of chocolates from a chain store in America, these were leaps and bounds better.

You think I can’t eat 100 of these? You’re on, buster!

You think I can’t eat 100 of these? You’re on, buster!

Eriko was satisfied with her treats this year, which means I done good. Another successful chocolate-covered holiday.

The wrapping in Japan is top-notch.

The wrapping in Japan is top-notch.

So now you know all about White Day, when a man shows his appreciation for his lady by showering her in gifts of sweets. It’s nice that Japan has two days for romance instead of one. Of course, one of the great things about being married is that whether it’s Valentine’s Day or White Day, both people get to try a bunch of fancy desserts.

Another great thing about being married? Sometimes your wife texts you stuff like this:

Strong Magma Super One Pound Beef Burger from Burger King

Strong Magma Super One Pound Beef Burger from Burger King

Konbini Kinyoubi: C.C. Lemon

Konbini Kinyoubi: C.C. Lemon