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Konbini Kinyoubi: The Official Gummy Of The Tokyo Olympics

Konbini Kinyoubi: The Official Gummy Of The Tokyo Olympics

Welcome to Konbini Kinyoubi, where every Friday (Kinyoubi), we explore products from the local convenience store (Konbini). This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please read our affiliate disclosure.

This week’s product: Meiji fruit gummies, mikan flavor.

Should have included something for scale. It’s not a big bag.

Should have included something for scale. It’s not a big bag.

Japan has a wealth of gummy varieties, all sorts of flavors and textures, but this one stands out because it is the OFFICIAL Gummy of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Will you two stop saying “Gummy” so much?

Will you two stop saying “Gummy” so much?

“But Gregg,” you may be asking, “how can this be accurate, when the 2020 Olympics did not take place?”

Au Contraire.

I believe they did, good sir, because if there were no 2020 Olympics, then how else would I be holding the games’ OFFICIAL gummy in my hand? So you see, it is you who are wrong, as you always are.

Being the OFFICIAL OLYMPIC GUMMY is quite an endorsement, but let’s check out what’s inside the bag, shall we?

Run, Marge! Save the booty!

Run, Marge! Save the booty!

Around 15 tiny orange slices. These are mikan flavored. Mikan is the Japanese word for Mandarin oranges. I couldn't discern a difference in taste between these and any normal orange candy, which was fine by me because I love orange candy.

The consistency was about halfway between a fruit snack and a gummy bear, not too hard and not too soft. You wouldn’t want to shove all of them in your mouth at once for fear of becoming a drooling monster, but they won’t break your jaw, either.

The gummies were surprisingly juicy, and while they didn’t knock us out with incredible flavor, they were a proper representation of the gummies that Japan has to offer. Not the rarest gummy of them all, but if I had to rate them, I’d give them a 15/10. Highly recommend.

See you in hell, candy boys!

See you in hell, candy boys!

Get them now, as there may be another Official Gummy for the 2021 Olympics!

Buy on Amazon

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