

We are Gregg and Eriko! We live in Japan. We’re here to teach you all about Japanese life and the fun stuff there is to see here.

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

In Japan, it’s traditional to eat soba (buckwheat noodles) on New Year’s Eve. That’s what we did this year, along with some store-bought tempura.

Eriko had hers with negi (green onions), but I didn’t because onions are gross.

Eriko had hers with negi (green onions), but I didn’t because onions are gross.

There are all kinds of ways to eat soba, including yakisoba, a fried meaty treat that you’ll likely see in touristy restaurants in Japan. This version is more like spaghetti, with dashi sauce to go with it.

The store-bought tempura was pretty good, especially the shrimp and pumpkin kinds!

The store-bought tempura was pretty good, especially the shrimp and pumpkin kinds!

But of course, we didn’t stop there. Since we were staying in and playing Mario Party on New Year’s Eve due to the virus (Just kidding, we’d have done that anyway), we got ourselves a little treat:

If they didn’t want me to eat them all in one sitting, they shouldn’t have put so many in the box.

If they didn’t want me to eat them all in one sitting, they shouldn’t have put so many in the box.

Maple Syrup Cream Cookies! Direct from Canada, these babies are leaf-shaped and have a filling the consistency of Oreo filling, but that tastes like maple syrup. They were delicious - the syrup flavor wasn’t artificial-tasting or too strong, and man were they sweet. As with all foods on this blog, these get a 15/10.

What’s that? You want me to eat you? Right here? Right now??

What’s that? You want me to eat you? Right here? Right now??

Fried Chicken Extravaganza!

Fried Chicken Extravaganza!

Konbini Kinyoubi: Pocari Sweat

Konbini Kinyoubi: Pocari Sweat