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For Sale In Japan: Old Pizza Hut Glasses

For Sale In Japan: Old Pizza Hut Glasses

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Often in Japan, you will see old American products for sale. American stuff is cool, but sometimes this stuff is sold in strange locations and for strange prices. Today’s product: old Coke glasses from Pizza Hut.

Two different colors!

Two different colors!

It’s been a while, but I believe these are the plastic cups they used when you would dine in at Pizza Hut back in the good old days. Honestly, 500 yen is not a bad price, all things considered. And if you want to get some for the Coca-Cola/Chain Restaurant Nostalgia fan in your life, you’re in luck, because Amazon has a bunch.

Video Store Adventures: Ghost Home Alone

Video Store Adventures: Ghost Home Alone

Christmas Cake!

Christmas Cake!