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Konbini Kinyoubi: Mystery Snack!

Konbini Kinyoubi: Mystery Snack!

Welcome to Konbini Kinyoubi, where every Friday (Kinyoubi) we visit our local convenience store (Konbini) and buy something delicious. This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please read our affiliate disclosure.

Many readers may be familiar with Pocky, chocolate-wrapped sticks that have taken the world by storm. You may be less familiar with the savory version, Pretz. As the name implies, they’re like long pretzel sticks that come in many different flavors.

It says “salad!” That means it’s healthy!

It says “salad!” That means it’s healthy!

But recently, Pretz released its MYSTERY BOX!

What mad scientist came up with this?

What mad scientist came up with this?

The concept behind this is that the mystery flavor is meant to be combined with other styles of Pretz, and when eaten together, they will create a totally new flavor. We paired them with Salad Pretz, which is supposed to create a “Pie stew” flavor mashup.

I believe the box says: “Beware. Bewaaaaaaare!”

I believe the box says: “Beware. Bewaaaaaaare!”

On their own, the salad ones had a purely salty taste. There was flavor dust on them, but I couldn’t give you much of a description of it. They were good.

The mystery ones, when eaten alone, had a sweet flavor. Again, I couldn’t quite put my finger on the exact notes, but it was inoffensive and tasted just fine.

Now, to create the MEGAZORD!

They are friends!

They are friends!

When combined, the flavor was definitely different… though I don’t think it tasted like a pie. It had more of a sour cream and onion taste, which was fine because I like sour cream and onion chips. The only downside was all the flavor dust, which can be a bit much.

Eriko was not a fan of pairing them, and preferred to eat the salad ones on their own. I thought both flavors of Pretz were okay alone, but without the novelty of the mystery combination, I don’t think I would ever eat either of them again, since there are other things at the konbini that are way more delicious. I’d say they’re probably a 15/10.

Pretz do not last long in our house.

Pretz do not last long in our house.

We probably won’t bother to try and create the other mystery flavor mashups, which are “Tomato cream pasta” and “pancake.” Have you tried them? Why didn’t you share them with us? What’s your problem???

Until next week!

Video Store Adventures: The World of "New Releases"

Video Store Adventures: The World of "New Releases"

From The In-Laws: Shinkaen

From The In-Laws: Shinkaen