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Konbini Kinyoubi: Doritos Late Night Deep Taco

Konbini Kinyoubi: Doritos Late Night Deep Taco

Welcome to Konbini Kinyoubi, where every Friday (Kinyoubi) we visit our local convenience store (Konbini) and buy something delicious. This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please read our affiliate disclosure.

If you’re a habitual reader of our site, you may have noticed that we don’t do Konbini Kinyoubi much anymore. This is for two reasons: first of all, we have committed to healthy food and therefore spend more of our time cooking at home or going to salad restaurants instead of munching on Famichiki. But the second reason is because we’ve visited a lot of convenience stores and seen a lot of treats, so it takes a lot for something to wow us (as it did recently with the snack boxes we tried).

If a snack is really impressive, really flashy, really eye-catching and curious and wondrous and oh my I must try it, then we’ll still gladly get it, photograph it, eat it, and review it. Such is the case with a new variety of chip that will likely soon cause a sensation in your town.

Introducing Doritos Late Night Deep Taco

The Doritos Late Night series is apparently something that has existed for a long time. Based on the name, I’m assuming it’s aimed at stoners and drunks who require only the most disgusting food masses when stumbling into a liquor store at 3 a.m. after getting thrown out of a bar. We don’t drink or do drugs around here, but my general food preferences align with those of college-aged binge drinkers, so this is right up our alley.

Now, the other part of the name: Deep Taco. It’s curious. One could be forgiven for interpreting a certain… sexual nature to this title. I’m not sure if that’s what they were going for or not. PepsiCo’s website lists another flavor called Loaded Taco with the same logo, so I’m guessing they’re just called Deep Taco in Japan and maybe the innuendo is lost on them. Either way, we love Doritos, especially crazy Japanese Doritos, so when we saw these, we were intrigued and just had to try them.

The bag states that they offer the delicious flavor of meat and the sweet aroma of taco. I’ll be the judge of that, thank you very much.

How do Dortios Late Night Deep Taco chips taste?

Taco-flavored corn chips are not a new thing for me. All over the world, there are chips that advertise themselves as “taco,” and there is a very specific thing that they taste like. Not tacos, obviously. A type of cumin-heavy dust that is unmistakeable. I thought these chips might taste like that. I was wrong.

Deep Taco aren’t heavily dusty compared to other Doritos, and the chips offer the same fresh crunch that you’re used to, a hint of salt, and… hold on. Something is new here.

These chips tasted like tacos. Not the taco flavor that you usually find on chips - they actually tasted like a plate of delicious real-life tacos. I couldn’t believe it.

Usually, I’ll just have a couple chips to try them and leave the rest to Eriko, who is blessed with a metabolism that renders her permanently skinny and invulnerable to nutritional advice. Not this time. We grabbed at these things like ravenous beasts and devoured them. We were stunned by how much they tasted like actual tacos. I don’t know how they did it, but Doritos has perfected the taco-flavored chip. I can never go back to regular taco chips. These are too good. 15/10 you must try them if you can.

Where can I get Doritos Late Night Deep Taco?

If you’d like to get your lips around a deep taco, you have a few options. You can, of course, rush over to the nearest konbini, but if you’re not in Japan, that may be a bit difficult.

Amazon has an incredible amount of Doritos flavors, including several from the Late Night series like Sizzlin’ Cheeseburger and Galbi Chicken. Unfortunately, they don’t have Deep Taco or Loaded Taco, so if you’re ordering from Amazon, you’ll have to settle for the old-fashioned taco flavor or another one of the spicy varieties. And while you’re there, buy this Taco Bell double-decker taco kit because it looks delicious.

That’s too bad, but do not give up hope. Perhaps one day you can taste the deep taco. Check your local grocery store or wherever you obtain taco chips. Ask for a deep one. You shall not regret it.

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